Who doesn’t want to make an annoying skin disorder like eczema be gone for good? The redness, swelling, scaling, cracks, and even bleeding for some, is sometimes unbearable. Although occurring usually in childhood, many adults also happen to suffer from eczema over and over again. They ask why? They already have tried all means to achieving eczema treatment so far.
There are some “mix-ups” that some individuals get into when doing a treatment.
· “I thought oatmeal can relieve eczema. It didn’t work.”
Well, this maybe because you used instant or flavored oatmeal. Use rolled oats or best, organic oatmeal brands for your colloidal oatmeal bath.
· “I thought honey can soothe my lesions. How come I’m still itchy all over?”
Are you sure that you used pure honey? Be sure what you use doesn’t contain extenders. Many would also recommend using Manuka honey for eczema.
· “They say milk baths can treat eczema. My kid got worse.”
Especially for children, milk baths are great for the treatment of eczema… If, and only if, your child is not allergic to milk! Dairy products can trigger eczema to those with milk allergies.
· “I am already taking anti-itch tablets and applying sulfur ointment. Why is my eczema still here?”
No matter how many bottles of OTC anti-histamine tablets you take and tubes of sulfur ointment you apply, your eczema will not disappear. They just relieve the itch temporarily, nothing more. Visiting a doctor to find out what’s causing the disorder and acting on it will cure the eczema.
· “Coldness can cause eczema so I wrapped myself with warm wool clothing… Yet I still developed it.”
Surprisingly, many people are not aware that wool can also cause eczema. Wear warm clothing made from a different material.
It is important to follow instructions explicitly when performing a treatment. Eczema cure requires awareness not only to the regimen but also to preventive measures.
here for more details http://eczematreatmentadvice.com/