Losing weight is one of today’s most difficult goals to achieve. Yes, it can be very tough, it takes a lot of changes and adjustments in thinking and lifestyle in order to achieve your desired fast weight loss But, with a very good plan, and sticking to it, you can eliminate those unwanted pounds. Check out the following tips to get you on the road.
1. Set your goals, and make them realistic.
Sure, you can lose 40 pounds in a week. That is if you work out at least 12 hours per day, with no food intake, just water. Question is: are you going to survive? Slowly, but surely work your way to win the race. It is best to aim for moderate goals in the beginning, and make them bigger on your way.
2. Motivate yourself.
It might sound silly, but there’s nothing more motivating than seeing your own progress with your own eyes. Taking before and after photos, is the easiest and maybe most enjoyable way to show your progress. Not only will you be inspired to lose weight, but you’d also be encouraged to maintain the “after” figure.
3. Do not starve yourself. Enjoying the foods you love is never a sin. But, it is best to watch what you eat. Eat in moderate proportions. Never miss out on protein-rich foods such as tuna, beans or chicken; protein is effective in keeping you feel full longer.
4. Exercise. Get up and burn those calories. Walking or biking for at least 2-4 hours per week helps eliminate extra pounds. Easy, eh?
5. Make it your lifestyle. Discipline is the key. Treat this as your lifetime responsibility, not just a temporary program. Returning to your old ways after achieving your desired weight is not a good idea. You don’t want to go back to being a chunky monkey, right?
Reference taken from here http://www.bsig.co/how-to-lose-weight-fast/