The pharmaceutical industry has been coming up with several preparations that can help overweight people in their goal to lose weight source .  Since the 1970s, there was not much concern for obesity as it is these days.  In the 1970s around fifteen percent only of adults in the U.S. were obese compared to the 37 percent in 2012.


With the increase in obesity formulations have come up that could burn fat faster and would control appetite.  Many Americans have the attitude of saying they do not have the time for some things and weight loss programs could be one of them.  This is what weight loss supplement manufacturers have capitalized on.


Diet supplement


Phentermine was formulated sometime in the 1950s and was approved by the USFDA in 1959 for short term treatment of obesity.  In the early years, this diet supplement was being use even by people who were not obese.  They simply wanted to stay slim and this appetite suppressant was ideal for that purpose.  That was for their understanding and it has not been scientifically proven


Phentermine 37.5 mg has dominated the sales for years especially when it was in a cocktail called Fen Phen.  It was noted then that the effect of the cocktail was much better than dieting and exercising.


Side effects


In 1997, it was discovered that there were those who taking the cocktail had unusual cases of heart valve disease.  Further evaluations were made on the preparation and findings suggested that Fenfluramine was the likely cause of primary pulmonary hypertension and valvular heart disease.


With findings was not the cause of the valvular heart disease and pulmonary hypertension.  The other drugs then in the cocktail were ordered to be taken out by the USFDA.  To this day, Phentermine remains as a good choice of diet pill for weight loss.